I would like to congratulate the organizers of this event, now in its 14th edition. Thank you for inviting me to talk about the comic market in Brazil and technological changes in a globalized era.
Currently we have various segments in Comics magazines, which are sold in 35.000 street stands (that sell newspapers in all country), 1.500 book shops and directly to schools.
1- Mauricio de Souza keeps the leadership in the area. He has 10 monthy magazines (plus the special issues, including spanish and english versions) on newsstands:
• Monica
• Cascao
• Cebolinha
• Magali
• Ronaldinho Gaucho
• Chico Bento.
Panini Publisher.
2- Disney has 4 monthy magazines:
• Ze Carioca
• Tio Patinhas
• Mickey
• Donald.
Abril Publisher.
3- Pixel Media publisher:
• Luluzinha
• Bolinha
4- Americas publisher:
• Turma do Arrepio
• Tataribu
(Marvel, DC & Wildstorm)
1- Panini publisher (15 magazines)
• Homem Aranha
• Os Novos Vingadores
• Wolverine
• X-Men
• Homem de Ferro
• Ultimate Marvel
• X-Men Extra
• Universo Marvel
• Vertigo
• Superman
• Batman
• Lanterna Verde
• Liga da Justiça
• A Sombra do Batman
• Universo DC
2- Pixel Media
• 100 Bullets
• Authority
• Corto Maltese
• Astro City
Monica's Gang Manga
Luluzinha Manga
Didi e Lili Manga
Mad (brazilian edition)
Cartoonists: Alves, Eduardo Damasceno, Luis Felipe Garrocho, Amorim, Baraldi, Bira Dantas, Danilo Dias and others.
(Mythos and Americas)
• Tex
• Tex Gold
• Tex colors
• Apache
• Magico Vento
• Zagor
• Naruto
• Black Bird
• Zone 00
• Trinity Blood
• Fairy Tail
• Dorothea
• Astral Project
• 100% Strrawberry
• Aflame Inferno
• A Noiva do Deus da Água
• Angry
• Ark Angels
• Chonchu
• Dangu
• Gui
• Model
• O Mensageiro de Banya
• Planet Blood
• Priest
• Ragnarök
• Tarot Café
• Kil-Dong
• Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy
• The Breaker
We have more than 200 major newspapers in Brazil.
Almost all publish Comic strips as well as editorial cartoons.
• Turma do Xaxado
• Tatu-man (Armadillo-man)
• Turma da Monica
• Garfield
• Beetle Bailey
• Hagar
• Peanuts
• Calvin & Robles
• Chiclete com Banana
• Piratas do Tiete
• Niquel Nausea
• So Dando Gizada
Mario Mastrotti (Virgo publisher) publishes every year a Strip Comics Book in a group association.
Each artist pays for the press costs and sells directly to fans.
This is a segment that have increased in the last 6 years, but exists since 1940.
Escala Educacional, Peiropolis, HQM, Nacional are some of the publishers.
Conrad, Devir, Cia das Letras, Zarabatana have published the best authorial Comics (we have seen in the decades) by Fabio Moon, Gabriel Ba, Caeto, Mutarelli, Spacca, Marcatti, Laerte, Melado Raphael Coutinho, DW, Rafael Sica, Daniel Gisé, El Cerdo, Pedro Franz, and many others.
Mario Cau, Caio Yo, Daniel Esteves, Mario mas que mario, Julio Brilha, Fernando Santos have been recognized as great
alternative names.
For sure, the great new in the area was the web publisher Quadrinhopole with e-Comics...

We have a lot of specialized sites and blogs that announces the news and area discussions.
In the 1980s, with the introduction of computers in the consumer market, publishers started demanding of his illustrators, files scanned, processed and stored on floppy disks. Then in CDs, DVDs and others. This led to a professionalization of artists.
As the rest of world, we started with an handmade production, with pencil, ink, watercolor, airbrush and paper to digital production. Although many artists still use traditional tools (and even mixed with digital art), many work exclusively in the digital environment, using tablets and special programs.
Mauricio de Sousa Productions, the largest studio of comics in Brazil, continues to invest in magazines stands, bookstores and animated movies for TV.
Publisher Claudio Martini is notorious by editing the most interesting Comics in the world. Japan, Canada, Argentina, France and Brazil are present in his catalog.
Cartoonists collective group, a comics reference in Brazil. Distributes, sells, advertises and exchange experiences in the production of independent magazines to find ways to solve the problems of this production in our country. We are a brand, a manifest, a tentative to create a new term, with the various artists who pay for their publications and sell them personally. The Fourth World, as an independent label, is an alliance of people who publish comics with seriousness and quality.
International Comics Festival, in Belo Horizonte, the most important on the area in Brazil.
Each festival homages a country, the last 2 were Japan and France, this year will be Korea!
The independent magazine Quadrinhopole in Curitiba became publisher and distributor of digital comics.
Promoted by the publisher, Leonardo Melo, the idea is offer to everyone - free of charge or not - a collection of comics for media such as tablets, PCs and other platforms, as iPad digital readout.
Besides comics online, the site of Quadrinhopole Digital Comics has an interactive social network dedicated to readers and authors.
There are numerous publishers who publish comics adaptations of literature, not only foreign versions, but produced by native writers, illustrators and colorists. Escala Educaional Sergio Alves' publisher has a nice catalogue of it. Ronaldo Antonelli, Jo Fevereiro, Vilacha, Bira Dantas, Seabra, Andre Diniz, Laudo, Omar Vinole are some oft the authors.
An interesting detail: the only Brazilian Comics magazines to appear on street stands (which was the traditional point of buying comic books) are Mauricio de Souza (Monica's Gang), Tony Fernandes (Apache) and MAD (Brazilian version), except these, what you find on stands are Superheroes and Manga. The authors known as Ziraldo, Laertes, Glauco, Angeli, Luiz Ge, Paulo Caruso, Vilacha Jo February, Fernando Gonsales, Marcatti, Mutarelli, Spacca, Guazelli Gilmar, Will, Daniel Esteves, and Omar Viñole, among others, are in bookstores.
Anima Mundi (Rio and Sao Paulo) has become a world reference in the area. 19 years showing national and international alternative production, as well as the mainstream market, such as Carlos Saldanha (Ice Age and Rio).
1869 - Brazil has a history in the comics that started with Angelo Agostini in "The Adventures of Nho Quim." Since then, we had several "boons" in production:
1905 - Tico-Tico, Comics Brazilian flagship publication.
1934 - Suplemento Juvenil, 1st publication in Brazil dedicated to foreign heroes like Mandrake, Flash Gordon, Tarzan, Donald Duck and characters Brazilians.
1950s and 60s - the Golden Age, publishers: La Selva, Outubro, Ebal, RGE, Bloch, Abril.
70's - Alternative Press, with a strong focus on editorial cartoon, newspapers Pasquim, Movimento, Opiniao, Versus.
80's - Many brazilian Comics magazines are published by Circo, Press Editorial, Vidente and others. AQC-SP (Association of comics and cartoons) foundation.
90's - The Rio Comics Festival moves to Belo Horizonte and turns into FIQ (International Festival of Comics).
Brazilians Mike Deodato and Luke Ross get in the USA Marvel market.
2000 - The first site based on Comics in Brazil: Universo HQ.
2002 - Panini Brazil begins to publish Marvel and DC.
2003 - Escala Educacional Publisher creates Brazilian Literature Comics label.
2007 - Fourth World is founded, headed by Cadu Simoes, inspired by the Act-I-Vate, Jeff Newelt.
2008 - Mauricio de Souza launches Monica's Gang Youth in manga format, with a circulation of nearly 300,000 copies monthly.
2011 - Korean Manhwa Group (Komacon, Creek & River, Topaz) comes to Sao Paulo to meet Comics publishers (JBC, Devir, Conrad, Zarabatana and New Pop) and bookstores (HQ Mix and Comix).
FIQ (International Comics Festival) will homage South Korea as chosen country.
Magazine Quadrinhopole announces the first Digital Comics site and E-books.
Although born in Italy, Angelo Agostini can be considered the first Brazilian comics artist. After making illustrations and caricatures for magazines like Diabo Coxo, Cabriao and Revista Arlequim, Agostini produced a continuing story in images for Vida Fuminense in 1869. The comic was called 'As Aventuras de Nho Quim, ou Impressoes de Uma Viagem a Corte' and ran for nine episodes of two pages each
For Revista Illustrada he continued with 'As Aventura de Ze Caipora' in 1883. Although this comic was often interrupted, the series counts 35 episodes. In the early twentieth century appeared the O Tico-Tico magazine, for which Agostini illustrated the title. Since 1982 his name is used as the more important prize of the brazilian Comics.
The first Cartoon and Comics'' Magazine in Brasil was published in 1905. There worked cartoonists as Angelo Agostini, Max Yantok, J.Carlos and Luiz Sa. It was a very popular magazine.
Is often considered Brazil's best comics artist from the early twentieth century. A self-taught artist, J. Carlos began his professional career in magazine O Tagarela on 23 August, 1902. Soon, he was active for almost every illustrated magazine of the time, like A Avenida, O Malho, and Para Todos. With his limpid style, he deviated from the traditional drawing styles. It was the magazine of Careta, for which Carlos worked until his death in 1950.
During his career, he created such typical Rio de Janeiro characters as ''Almofadinha and ''Melindrosa''. He portrayed the carnival, beaches, fashion and all the Brazilian customs of the time. For the juvenile magazines he created the characters of Juquinha and the little girl Lamparina. During World War II he developed a parrot with typical Brazilian manners, that inspired Walt Disney to create ''Ze Carioca''. It didn''t come to a further collaboration with Disney, but Ze Carioca remains in Disney''s line of characters until the present day.
(1907 - 1979)
He created very popular characters as Reco-Rco, Bolao and Azeitona, published in Tico-Tico magazine.
For "Tico-Tico" Magazine, in 1950 he created characters as Kaximbow, Joca Bemol, Barao de Rapape and Chico Muque.
(1926 - 1987)
Portuguese comic artist Jayme Cortez began his career in the magazine O Mosquito as an apprentice of Eduardo Teixeira Coelho. For this magazine, he created various comics, like the series ''Os 2 Amigos''. In 1947, he emigrated to Brazil, where he created the comics ''Caca aos Tubaroes'' and ''O Guarany'' for the journal Diario da Noite. In 1948, he worked with Messias de Melo for Gazeta Juvenil and Gazeta Esportiva. Later, he began working for the McCann Ericson advertising company. Jayme Cortez has won several prizes for his illustrations, and his work has been exhibited in Brazil''s most important museum, the Masp in Sao Paulo.
He is an icon of the fifties'' brazilian Comics. He joined a team with Jayme Cortez (a portuguese illustrator, that learned to draw with the great Eduardo Teixeira Coelho), Sergio Lima, Nico Rosso, Eugenio Colonnese and Rodolfo Zalla. They drew many Terror, Comics and War stories. He also is one of the most recognized artists on Fanzine Comics. Has published recently many Comics Books (Claustrofobia with Goncalo Jr, Samurai) and the animation movie "O Ogro".
Brazilian comic artist, cartoonist, illustrator and publisher.
In 1971, Franco Rose aged 15, produced his first fanzine. A year after discovering the Comic Book Club of Ademario de Mattos, knowing future talent, as Paiva, Moretti and also veterans Mauricio de Souza, Gedeone Malagola and Alvaro de Moya. In 1979, publishes Klik (Ebal humor magazine). At the time, was already drawing the Praca Atrapalhado for Saber Editora and Chucrutz daily strip, in addition to the vignettes of the program of Ana Maria Braga. He drew Zorro's magazines covers but was seduced by Erotic Comics movement and went to Curitiba, joining Claudio Seto and Julio Shimamoto in Grafipar publisher. Back to Sao Paulo, founded Press Editorial at 1983, and worked to Folha da Tarde Newspaper. In 1991, starts to edit comics in New Sampa. Along with friends, founded the Mythos in 1997. Soon, he left for the publisher Scale. In 1999 along with Carlos Mann creates the Opera Graphica Publisher.
He has drawn comics for the Disney publications of the publishing house Abril. From the early 1970s to the late 1980s, he has drawn stories with most of the characters (Donald Duck, Madam Mim, Ze Carioca).
Eduardo Vetillo drew Disney comics for the publisher Abril in the early 1990s. He has mainly done stories with 'Hard Haid Moe', but also with 'Mickey Mouse' and 'Ze Carioca'. He also drew Spectreman, Hanna Barbera and Os Trapalhoes for Ely Barbosa Studio, in Sao Paulo. Bira was his assistent in the years of 1979 and 1980.
Here in Brasil, in the eighties, three cartoonists and comics creators joined to publish a magazine. They were Laerte Piratas do Tiete), Angeli (Chiclete com Banana), Glauco (recently murdered) and Adao Iturusgarrai. They have published some of more crazy and Non-sense Comics in Brasil.
He is a brazilian Comics Studio' s boss that publishes his characters in many countries and languages. He made a contract with a Korean newspaper to publish his comics strips. He begun in the Comics World at the fifties, and nowadays has two studios: Comics and Animation, about 300 colaborators.
As Mozart Couto (Humanoides Associes), Sergio Macedo (Metal Hurlant), Watson Portela, Arthur Garcia, Luke Ross, Ivan Reis, Joe Bennet, Sam Hart, Fabio Moon, Gabriel Ba, Rafael Albuquerque (these 3 have won Eisner Awards), Marcelo Campos, Klebs Jr, Mario Cau and Eduardo Ferigato many artists begun to publish their art Comics in USA. Drawing Hulk, Superman, Smallville, Wonder Woman, Phantom, and other Comic titles. They have increased the foreigner art with drawings in pen or ink over pencil. Unfortunately many brazilian artists are only recognized when they publish outside. Maybe the future of the Comics in Brazil depends on it, foreign artists, maybe not...
I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil (03/03/1963) and drew the comic magazine Os Trapalhões from 1980 to 1982. I was also member of AQC (Cartoonist and Comics Drawer Association) and published in many brazilian Comics magazines as Pantano, Tralha, Porrada, Megazine, Bundas (Ziraldo) and LULA (a winner´s history/ the official comics biography of the brazilian president).
I publish my cartoons in newspapers as Retrato do Brasil, Folha da Tarde, Diario do Povo, Correio Popular, Unions' Newspapers, and website
Since 1985 have been selected in International Humor Contests from Brasil as Piauí, Belo Horizonte/Caratinga (MG), Santo André/Ribeirão/Araras/Piracicaba (SP), UNACON (Brasília), Carioca Humor Contest and Volta Redonda (RJ), Porto Alegre/Lageado/Univates (RS) and Pernambuco (FIHQ-PE).
He was selected in International Contests of Cartoons as ParaRAIL world from Rússia, II Rencontre du Dessin de Presse Carquefou, France and Cartoon Festival of Iran.
1986- First Prize (caricature) Cartoon Contest of Belo Horizonte (Brasil)
1992- Special Prize at Humor Saloon of Araras (Brasil)
2000- Two special Prizes at Humor Saloon of Ribeirao Preto (Brasil)
2002- Merit Diplom (Zumbi dos Palmares) from Municipal Chamber of Campinas (Sao Paulo) and Best Brazilian Cartoonist / Angelo Agostini Prize
2003- 19o Angelo Agostini Prize as brazilian best cartoonist.
2003- First prize (caricature) at Ramiz Gökçe Cartoon Festival (Cyprus), Angelo Agostini Prize as brazilian best cartoonist.
2004- Special prize at Volta Redonda´s Humor Contest and Angelo Agostini Prize as brazilian best cartoonist.
(First published by Bira Dantas in)
Some new informations were added