She is a very nice doctor, works in Campinas (Sao Paulo, Brazil), as Jardim Rosalia Health Centre coordinator, but is also a fantastic Comics writer and Editorial Cartoon creator, married to me (Bira Dantas) since 1988.
Claudia is 53, and was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

“When we got married, I’ve read her printed poems and enjoyed the style. But I’ve got really impressed with her ironic life view, and so I fell in love with her. As I’ve recognized her interesting and personal writing style, very humorous view of the life (and the people who walked around), she was invited to create Comics scripts. She had doubts about that thing, but finnaly accepted.“Alternative Woman” and “Who waits forever, reach?” were done to be published in Tralha (1988), an underground Comics magazine published by Marcatti and Vidente Publisher. This second work was published in Quadreca, a brazilian University Comics Magazine (USP). “Zen” and “Rainy Days” were written to be published in Front (Via Lettera Comics Book), the second was published in South Korea. Kipper, the ex-Front Publisher, told me he enjoyed more her script than my drawings.

“Me, you, us” was published in Polland and “Species evolution”, in Brazilian magazine Subversos. She has also created gags (also drew by me) published in Cartoon Books, like “Peace Humour” and newspapers Diario do Povo and Sinergia:”
She has published in brazilian magazines Tralha, Quadreca, Picles, Subversos…
… Quantum Spies (South Korea)…
… and Ziniol (Polland).
She was participant (as her husband) of 7th World Comics Conference in South Korea (2005) and her event photos were published by many brazilian websites:
She has visited the Centre Belge Bande Dessinnée in Brussells…
… and the oldest European Comic Book Store, Lambiek, where Bira have done a book signing session:
“She’s a very creative woman, a self taught artist, a reader lover (important condition to be a writer) and have real smart ideas for Comics and Cartoons. She also embarks on many crazy trips like going to Korea, a meeting of cartoonists, Cartoon Museum in Brussels or BD Festival in Angouleme (this is her third try) and finally it worked, we’ll go. I am pleased to have her as a companion of bed, table, bath, yoga, party, comics, dance, trip, cartoons... She gives me the best gifts: a child (Thais); a step-daughter (Alice), her kindness and her love!”